Some useful links. My London Marathon 2005 diary starts here. The race report is here.
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Sunday, October 24, 2004  

Weekly update

Another week, another 10.5 miles on the clock. My now regular weekly fartlek session slipped to Friday for various reasons, mostly laziness. Again, it was quite enjoyable and satisfying, although completed in about a minute longer than last week. One does feel like some sort of Proper Athlete when one is jogging along the street and then one bursts into a sprint.

I’d left the weekend’s long run until the last possible moment, Sunday night, and was thus forced to go out in the rain. So it was on with the fully non-breathable waterproof jacket and distinctly non-technical-fabric cap. I also heeded my own advice and took some water – unfortunately the best bottle I could find was half a litre, a little cumbersome.

It was a mild night and the rain soon stopped, so I ditched the hat and jacket pretty quickly as I was starting to sweat like a heavyweight boxer. Carrying them along with my barrel of water was a little awkward and I think was responsible for the sore neck that developed after a while. I got to practice my drinking technique – drinking from a bottle while running and breathing hard isn’t that easy – although I think that come race day I’ll follow Hal Higdon’s advice and walk through the drink stations.

Overall it was a comfortable run, although quite slow. I definitely feel that mentally I’ve got the 7 mile distance licked. I might up the distance in a few weeks and see how it feels.

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